Butterflies and Moths

The human life cycle is much like that of a butterfly’s. In the beginning we are a caterpillar, making our ways to the limbs out on which we must walk. We find the most comfortable branch and settle,, until we find it’s time for us to consider changing things. We then pupate and wrap ourselves in a cocoon, making sure that we remain warm and comfortable all the while preparing for the next big thing. We have done all that we can as a caterpillar, and have decided that we want to blossom into a gorgeous butterfly, fluttering gracefully on the warm summer breeze, reaching heights that we never dreamed of prior. We wait and we wait, preparing ourselves for that big moment when we can burst out of our shell and take the world head-on. However, not all caterpillars are destined to be the great monarch, some of them turn into moths. Moths, while helpful, tend to be drab and colorless, and they are typically looked over no more than once. You see them and think ‘Oh hey, a moth.’ but they aren’t something you point out to people near you. This isn’t always true, some moths are absolutely gorgeous, the Brahmin, the Luna, the hawkmoth, the atlas and white witch moth, the Io Moth, the leopard and even the Death’s head moth, but those are not the norm like the common Quaker moth. The Moths that are beautiful are the ones that you gawk over because of how unexpected it is to see a moth so gorgeous. When you hear the word moth you think grey, drab, sitting on the side of a building or smacking blindly into a light bulb. When you hear butterfly, you think colorful, graceful insect, enjoying the sweet nectar of nature’s prettiest flowers.

Which would you rather be? A butterfly or a moth? Would you like to the be the one that is revered and loved, and pointed out as you flutter your way as high as you can go? Or would you rather be the gray one, while interesting, typically ignored by most.

On that same note…consider what stage of the game you’re in? Are you still the caterpillar trying to find your limb? Are you still the cocoon, waiting, preparing, or have you already hatched, and become one of the above?

These are the kinds of things that I think when I look at information on insects….

-Lucas C.

This is my shortest post so far, and the only one to be written purely from my mind…it required no research…I don’t know why that’s important, but…wooh!