Away for way too long

It feels like forever since you and I last spoke. It looks like I last posted in September…now how have I managed to be away from my lovely Lights in the Sky for sooooo long?

Anyways, let’s talk.

I’m feeling better. Since we last spoke I’ve had 2 mental breaks. 2 in almost 5 months. That’s good for me! One of them was just me being…well…me. I have zero-tolerance for stupidity, and unfortunately I was met with what I thought to be stupidity. It lashed out, I exploded, then I left the scene for a bit. It was what had to happen. I had to walk away from the stress, no matter how much I didn’t want to. Driving in the snow is a fantastic way to gather your thoughts, even if it’s just a few blocks and back. The other time…ooooh the other time. It wasn’t my fault; the stresses of life gathered themselves upon me and decided that I needed to be kicked repeatedly. I think I’ll be OK though. I hope I’ll be OK. If not…well that’s a bridge I’ll have to cross later.

I have been trying to work on a few things as of late. First and foremost, I want to stop myself from holding on to things. I want to be able to let go of things as I need. These can be physical, emotional, or any combination of the two. I tend to keep my grip on things that I love, and on things that affect me. My physical connections typically manifest themselves in a messy house. My emotional ones manifest in dreams, and oh how I hate these dreams. I had one last night that I don’t want to really talk about, but it was… well… it just was. It hurt. I woke up from it and found myself dwelling on it all morning. It involved my past, and I hate my past. The person I was prior to being the person I am now is someone that I wish I never was. Regardless, I dismissed it after a while, but it keeps flashing into my mind randomly and bumming me out. I wish my memory worked in a manner that would allow me to just delete it, but alas, I can’t.

The next thing I’ve been working on is my habit of worrying about the future. Being in my early/mid twenties I’ve found that I worry about what’s going to happen in the future. Be it debt, death, or anything lined in a thick layer of uncertainty, I tend to let the preparation of said events take over my life. There was a point in my life where I consistently told myself that “Right now is all that matters”. As I’ve slipped into my twenties I’ve found that I no longer can live by that philosophy.

Regardless… I’m going to go home now. I’m going to spend my night, not dwelling, and not worrying about the future…

Until Next Time!